CASE STUDY: Arcade Beauty

Launching a beautiful new identity

Arcade Beauty is the home for Arcade Marketing and Bioplan. Together, they created the world's leading provider of sampling solutions for beauty brands. To launch their new partnership, Arcade Beauty came to Squeaky with the goal of building a fresh, clean and innovative digital position that would introduce the new Arcade Beauty.
A smarter way to search
Web Design & Development

There were two requirements that were most pertinent to the client: a site that would be easily accessible from all devices, and a search/navigation functionality that allows visitors to find what they need smoothly and intuitively. As such, Squeaky’s creative team worked closely with Arcade Beauty to come up with a better user experience for their existing and potential clients and customers to find what they are looking for. The team implemented a Smart Search functionality utilizing user task analysis, step by step prompts, autocomplete suggestions, and clear categorization of products. These features allow visitors to predict complex product names and provide users with specific solutions relevant to their needs.
Flexible, scalable, and reliable
Content Management System

The site was built using a leading content management system with user-friendly features. This CMS allowed the launch of an e-commerce-ready, responsive and multi-lingual site with superior usability. The flexibility, scalability and reliability of the system made it the perfect choice for the Arcade Beauty team.